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Worried About How Much My Niece Is Affected By Her Drug Addicted Mother

(MD,PG Co.)

My sister in law is a drug addict, as far as I know it started about 5 years ago after her daughter was born. I think it started with percocets and progressed to her admitting to needing 5 perc 10 in order to get "pain relief".

Over the years it's gotten worse - she started to lose weight and started stealing things to support her habit. She is either passed out or extremely energized. A week ago she was taken to the hospital because she was found standing in the hallway of her building stuck unable to respond to her landlord speaking to her and unable to go in her apt.

Her daughter has witnessed all of this and other things she never should have witnessed (her mother performing sex acts, in her mothers naked pics, every one of her mothers boyfriends living in their home) was alone in the house during her mothers most recent episode.

She is afraid to be away from her mother ... she feels like she has to watch her mother. She wakes up and checks on her mother to make sure she doesn't leave in the middle of the night. Even though she has admitted to being addicted to dippers and pills, she has failed to get any professional help, along her percocet addicted mother feeding her pills and making excuses for her not to get help.

I feel like the odd man out I want to call cps because everyone around her is so naive about how much her behavior is affecting her daughter. I need to know if this is the right thing to do because nothing but time is passing and she's being exposed to so much.

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Apr 22, 2012
I understand your pain
by: Anonymous

I also have a drug addicted sister who has 2 little girls. At one time, I faced your same dilemma and I didn't do anything. I was so scared that my sister would never forgive me. At the time she was doing pills, but it eventually progressed to heroine. She has now left her kids with me and I am seeking permanent custody. I can't help but to think that I should have done something long time ago. Would she have gotten help before it progressed? Would she have hit her bottom sooner? Would the kids be less damaged? I look back and I can't believe that we didn't do anythign sooner. I think we thought that she would just stop all of a sudden. Reality is that this doesn't happen and she has a long road ahead of her. Don't make the kids go through it with her. Someone has to hold her feet to the fire and we are finally doing that for my sister.

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