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Please Help Me Help My "NOW SOBER" Fiance Get The Right Help!!!by Misty
My Fiancé has been an addict for over 6 yrs. We have been together for 2 yrs now. When I realized he was a drug addict I wanted to help him overcome it and tried supporting him. Alcoholism-and-Drug-Addiction-Help.com AnswerYou can't make your boyfriend's parents understand the nature of his problem and what drug addiction actually entails if they actually couldn't be bothered and prefer living with their heads in the sand. So it's pointless trying to fight a battle you're never going to win. Irrespective of all that though and whether your boyfriend's parents have the right attitude towards his addiction or not ... it should make no difference to his recovery and whether he manages to stay clean. Sure, some environments are more helpful and supportive than others ... and in an ideal world his parents would be behaving in a manner more conducive to making sure he takes total responsibility for his life and choices, by not enabling him. But we don't live in an ideal world. So you shouldn't be making excuses for your boyfriend and his relapse. No matter his environment and what his parents do/don't do - it's up to him to stay clean by committing to a program of recovery and doing whatever it takes to turn his life around. Now your intentions are no doubt good, but be careful of the role you're playing in all this, because it sounds like you're trying to rescue which tends to be a typical signs of codependents. What you should be doing is putting your own boundaries in place and making it clear to your boyfriend that unless he stays clean and commits to his recovery, there is no future for your relationship. Conditions are never perfect ... and those that achieve long-term sobriety do so in spite of their circumstances - not because of them. So even though the situation with his parents isn't ideal, that shouldn't be an excuse and you mustn't allow it to become one. No one is strong early on in their recovery - they become strong through diligently working their program. And that's the message you need to be passing onto your boyfriend. Good Luck
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