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No Theory Has Backed Alcoholism as an Illness or a Disease, So it's Just an Excuse.

by C Compton
(Port Richey, Fl)

In my opinion I have never believed that an alcoholic or a drug user for that matter of having a disease or illness. It is not something that a person is born with or is genetically passed through by heredity.

I will say it until the day I die that it was a choice by the alcoholic to continue to drink excessively. Maybe it might be a problem with obsession or compulsion. I have only recently started to do additional research into this.

To date it is only a theory that has never been proven by doctors that were conducting the genetic and even the DNA studies on alcoholics and their families. It is an excuse to hide behind, another way to not owe up to the problem, placing blame elsewhere. Alcoholism is what it is. Thank you, C.

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Read this NEW
by: helteon

There are several theories which have not only proved that alcoholism is dangerous but several deaths occurred. Man was died in hospital just because of taking ice tea too much. This alcohol damages your kidney and stomach directly. My friend from custom writing service told me that death rate is too high but we are unable to expose it directly in front of the people. Let me tell you, if you test meat with alcohol it behave dangerous then how can be beneficial for your health.

These studies still prove nothing substantial
by: C Compton

To my original writing on, is it just an excuse, I read the highlighted links in a comment that was made to my short essay. The tests were first of all done on twins, which I am one myself. Twins have the for the most part the same genetic make up and the same DNA. Not much there. But i have read articles where testing was done on other adults that were alcoholics and their family members. Nothing substantial there either. What is this testing on animals going to prove?? Studies need to be set up as a clinical trial under a controlled environment with human specimens. No offense I have been dealing with this issue since i was a child. Even though my father has been on the wagon for 23+ years he still has not followed the 12 steps and traditions like he was supposed to with making amend to family. So unless I see a preponderance of evidence, it's not an illness nor a disease but an excuse.

More complex than that
by: C-P

Alcoholism or addiction is more than just about the choice to drink/use or not. One of the distinguishing symptoms of alcoholism/addiction is the 'loss of control.' One you start drinking, you just can't stop or control how much you drink in the way a 'normal drinker' can. Then why have that drink in the first place? Because the craving and compulsion to drink is so strong. That's why successful sobriety and recovery is about more than just will-power and abstinence. Change has to be made at the causal level - those destructive mental, emotional and behavioral patterns that manifest as addiction.

As far as the whole alcoholism and genetic link goes, these two articles may be of interest and they look at the science of it in a bit more depth: 1) Genetics of Alcoholism 2)Article by Medical News Today.

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