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Showing Drug Addiction Symptoms? This Test will Reveal All ...

If you Suspect Drug Addiction Symptoms - This Well
Known Drug Addiction Test will Provide Telling Answers

This 20-question quiz is an excellent self test for drug addiction. This test specifically focuses on drug use, and not on the use of alcohol. A separate Test For Alcoholism called 'MAST' focuses on alcohol.

As with the Symptoms of Addiction (which is very similar to this) - this should be used as a guide only.

If you're looking for a specific list of drug addiction symptoms - then I suggest looking at ths Signs of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction for a detailed breakdown of the various signs and symptoms.

Your intuition and common sense will often mean you already know whether there is a problem. Remember to always seek professional medical advice before deciding on a course of action.

Completing this Drug Addiction Symptoms Screening Test

To take the questionnaire, click the radio button next to the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you. The questions refer to the past 12 months. Carefully read each statement and decide whether your answer is yes or no. Give the best answer or the answer that is right most of the time.

Take the Quiz

Note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions.

Please check one response for each item.

1. Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons?

  • Yes
  • No

2. Have you abused prescription drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

3. Do you abuse more than one drug at a time?

  • Yes
  • No

4. Can you get through the week without using drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

5. Are you always able to stop using drugs when you want to?

  • Yes
  • No

6. Have you had "blackouts" or "flashbacks" as a result of drug use?

  • Yes
  • No

7. Do you ever feel bad or guilty about your drug use?

  • Yes
  • No

8. Does your spouse (or parents) ever complain about your involvement with drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

9. Has drug abuse created problems between you and your spouse or your parents?

  • Yes
  • No

10. Have you lost friends because of your use of drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

11. Have you neglected your family because of your use of drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

12. Have you been in trouble at work because of your use of drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

13. Have you lost a job because of drug abuse?

  • Yes
  • No

14. Have you gotten into fights when under the influence of drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

15. Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

16. Have you been arrested for possession of illegal drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

17. Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt sick) when you stopped taking drugs?

  • Yes
  • No

18. Have you had medical problems as a result of your drug use (e.g., memory loss, hepatitis, convulsions, bleeding, etc.)?

  • Yes
  • No

19. Have you gone to anyone for help for a drug problem?

  • Yes
  • No

20. Have you been involved in a treatment program especially related to drug use?

  • Yes
  • No

About Scoring this Drug Addiction Test Questionnaire

This quiz is scored by allocating 1 point to each 'yes' answer -- except for questions 4 and 5, where 1 point is allocated for each 'no' answer -- and totalling the responses.

So in other words, please score one point if you answered the following:

1) Yes

2) Yes

3) Yes

4) No

5) No

6-20) Yes

Your Drug Addiction Symptoms Test Score

1-5 = Low Level

6-10 = Moderate Level

11-15 = Substantial Level

16-20 = Severe Level

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Anything above the substantial level indicates a serious problem. Even at moderate levels though you should get help - because inevitably before long you will be at the substantial level and above (remember addiction is progressive) - and it becomes that much harder to beat your addiction.

But as I've said before - knowing about it does nothing - you need to be doing something and taking some sort of action. So I suggest you spend time reading the Addiction Treatment and Recovery Areas to discover how to successfully overcome a dependency or problem to drugs.

Additional Information

The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) is one of the most widely used screening tests for drug abuse and addiction. Additional information is available in the following reference:

Gavin DR; Ross HE; Skinner HA.?(1989) 'Diagnostic validity of the Drug Abuse Screening Test in the assessment of DSM-III drug disorders', British Journal of Addiction 84(3): 301-307.


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