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10 Years Later: Time to Quit Drinking

by Lauren

Hi I'm Lauren, and I have made the decision (again) to stop drinking. I started 10 years ago and haven't stopped since. I was 15. Before that I had sworn I'd never drink, my parents were recovering alcoholics so my childhood was peppered with meetings, 12 step books, serenity prayers, etc. Alcohol was taboo. Now I know why.

I'm 25 years old. Getting drunk at a wedding reception and throwing up all over myself is not as funny as it was at 21. I've been divorced once and I don't want my current relationship to crumble away like my marriage.

I have one main fear among many fears in quitting and that is: will my current boyfriend be able to cope with me or want to move on to someone who he can drink with, who doesn't have a problem? Or will he appreciate and admire my willingness to admit my problem?


Hi Lauren

If your boyfriend doesn't respect and admire you for wanting to quit drinking and do something about your alcohol problem - then he's just not the right guy for you.

Quitting drinking is scary and what you're going through is normal - but don't let your fears get in the way of doing what you know deep down is the right thing for you to do. Look at it this way - how's your life likely going to be in 5 years time if you don't do something now? Because I promise you it won't get any better.

What your boyfriend thinks about all this shouldn't be a deal breaker. You've got to do what is best for you, irrespective of what anyone else thinks. And from there trust everything will work out for the best in the end.

I guarantee there are plenty guys out there who would admire you for having done something about your alcohol problem and be glad you don't drink. You've made the right decision - now you just need to follow through. It will all work out for you eventually if you do.

Good Luck.

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