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I Need Help Quitting 2 Year Addiction to Pain Pills

by SadGirl 25
(Tacoma wa)

I became addicted to prescription pain medicine about 2 years ago after a back injury at work. I was 23 at the time and my Dr put me on Percocet for about 3 months. After my treatment ended I found that I was still craving the pills. Not for the pain relief but for the sense of comfort I would get for about 40 minutes after every dose.

I started getting pills from family and friends and then moved onto buying them illegally. I live with my boyfriend and my disabled Mom lives with us. NO ONE knows I am addicted and I hide the amount of money I make so I can spend it on drugs without suspicion.

We are very poor and my addiction is wrecking our finances further. I have tried to quit in the past and have always started using again. I even went to my Dr and told her what was going on. She said she didn't have the training to help me and referred me to a pain clinic. Which even though I had med insurance at the time was still WAY out of my price range.

My Dr then gave me 60 Oxy Contin for withdrawals and said not to come back for this. I am so depressed and scared and I want to quit. How can I do this by myself? Please, if there are any tips.... Thank you. Answer

Unfortunately your story is like that of many others who unwittingly get addicted to pain pills - with more people now addicted to prescription drugs than those addicted to heroin, cocaine and ecstasy combined.

And a lot of it stems from the ignorance of Doctors who simply subscribe them without thinking of the possible long-term consequences, and who don't have a plan for weaning you off the stuff successfully. So when looking for a solution to your problem, going to your G.P. is usually not a great idea since they don't have the specialised knowledge required to deal with addiction.

Your addiction is no different to that of a heroin or cocaine addict for example, in that the way to treat and overcome it, would be exactly the same. So ideally what you need to do is find an addiction treatment facility that can help you get clean and start you on your journey to recovery.

Some are frightfully expensive, but not all, and if money is a problem for you, use this Substance Abuse Facility Locator by the US Department of Health and Services, that can help you find programs that don't cost a lot and that offer payment plans when money is tight.

I know you say you want to do this by yourself, but overcoming an addiction alone is incredibly difficult ... and that's why getting the right help and support will make it so much easier. There is a lot that goes into overcoming an addiction, and requires change on the deepest and most fundamental levels .... including spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

You could book yourself into a hospital for a few days to get yourself detoxed ... and then begin the work to make those changes, but it is so much harder by yourself. Some people find religion helps, others more spiritual pursuits like yoga and meditation, exercise and committing to healthy living helps others ... and even a combination of all these could do the trick.

Because in engaging in some or all of these pursuits, you begin to replace the void that is currently filled by taking your pain meds. And as you replace that void, the desire to use will begin to leave you, and that's ultimately what you want. But it takes work. So if you really want to change, you're going to have to commit to a new way of life with everything you've got. Believe in yourself because you can do this!

Good Luck.

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the urge
by: Anonymous

I was on pain pills for eight years I went through detox once at a hospital one time alone and I would never recommend it for anyone to do alone and once again and I hope for the last time alone but with a doctors help with no help with the withdrawal and once again its the worse in the world now i have two years clean but i crave sometimes more times then others all my feelings and the numbness is just going away its life long what can i do for the urge to just go for good?

Been there and stupidly moved to heroin
by: Anonymous

Get on Suboxone as look up the Thomas Recipe as you will need it. I've tried to quit my pain killer addiction multiple times and I keep relapsing. The last time I relapsed and went on to heroin of which I'm battling the withdrawals of right. Ow and they are 100 times worse than the pills ever were. I have kids and I'm spending all of my wife and my Incomes on snorting this crap or popping pills. I'm late on everything and damn near ready to lose a 300k house, wife's new van, my late model truck all because of my addiction. My wife has no idea of the financial shape I've put us in. She thinks we are just tight right now, not months behind on everything because I was putting $450 up my nose or down my throat everyday up until a couple days ago when I finally realized what damage I'm doing is close to irreversible. All I can say is get on Suboxone, use Thomas recipe, listen to music you enjoy to stimulate your brain, pray, erase your dealer(s) or whomever your getting your pills from your phone. If your doctor is the reason, come clean as you will need them if you want to detoxify comfortably of which you stand a better chance of getting sleep aids, Xanax if your honest about your addiction. Don't do like me, tell your family so you can gain the support you need and deserve. This is hard as hell I know if quit the pills three times, but I promise you this heroin crap is 100 times worse than my worst nightmare that I thought it would be. I treated my 3 kids and wife horrible today because I was having a very rough withdrawal/crave day today so I feel like a total and complete ass for not telling my wife to begin wih I had an addiction issue. Mine started totally innocently from a shoulder injury that grew a life of its own after two surgeries. It was no longer pleasurable to take, it was neccessary just to function daily and the habit grew to a level unimaginable to me. I had a script for 360-10/325 a month and they would only last a week to 10 days at most towards te end and then I had to go and buy from dealers some at $7/pill some at 10/pill. So as it. Exams harder to find my dealer recommended I switch to heroin. Yea it is readily available, cheaper, little stronger than the Oxys I was buying. It got out of control quick as it wasn't long and my tolerance was up to 3 grams a day to to not be sick. So here I am paying the price of about 5 years of opiate abuse and this sucks I feel south pain both physically and emotionally even with Suboxone, I didn't experience this bad of w/d off of pills so this is all new to me as well. I'm done living this hell, not having a dime when my wife and I make over 170k combined and I'm spending it all on my addiction. I feel so bad how I've treated them all today. It I felt as if I was losing my mind and I could not get stabilized on the suboxone for anything even after upping my dosage to 12 mg which is 9 mg higher than I ever had to for pills. So stick with it and get in touch and good luck!

Thank you All
by: SadGirl25 from Tacoma

Thank you for posting a response to my question. And thank you anonymous for your view
I have been trying to quit using for years now and something amazing has happened. 8 days ago I had this strong spiritual awakening. Not religious, I dont believe in god. But a spiritual awareness of everything I have done to throw my life away and more importantly, the very real awareness that I CAN make it better and have the life i want. I am now 8 days clean. I didnt have withdrawals like EVERY other time Ive tried quitting. I had the opportunity to buy a few days ago and didnt even consider it. I have had some low grade cravings but it hasnt been enough to be a problem and once i remind myself how happy i am now, the cravings stop.
I dont know what happened last week, or why, but I feel so free and happy now. I know this will be the time i quit for good. Please always remember that there is hope in this world. No matter how bad it is. There is always another path.
Thank you everyone and Please feel free to contact me on my Blog listed below. It is just a page i started in celebration of my new life!

Why do it alone?
by: Anonymous

Why go it alone when there are loads of professionals and people out there ready and willing to help you? There is no shame in admitting an addiction and seeking out the help you need. So don't be afraid to do so. Beating an addiction alone is incredibly difficult, so why even try? It helps also to associate with people who can relate to what you're going through and that's why programs like NA are so powerful. So don't underestimate the support of others. I know this is tough for you, but humble yourself and do whatever it takes to get healthy and clean, even if it means doing what makes you uncomfortable.

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